How is Hong Kong in your eyes? This is a question you might have heard many times throughout the year. However, you may have got answers very different from one another.

This year, we will invite each of you to film and edit your own video to describe Hong Kong from your perspective. In other words, show us your answers to the question. This competition is also for you to record your precious experiences in Hong Kong. 

If you are interested in the competition, please choose one of the following topics as your main theme and create a short video no longer than 5 minutes. There is no restriction on the content, format and style, but the resolution of the video should be 1080p or higher, and the aspect ratio should be 16:9.


  1. A typical day in Hong Kong

  2. My favourite…

  3. Expectation vs reality

  4. My friends, family and I

Important Dates

Deadline for submitting videos: 30 April 2024
Voting: Early May 2024
Award presentation: End of May / Early Jun during the Host Student Graduation Show


All videos will be posted on our social media platforms after the deadline in April. We would kindly invite all AFSers to vote for their favourite video. Then we will award the champion, first and second runner-up according to the number of likes that each of the posts received.

All winners will receive a certificate as well as a cash prize of HK$1000, HK$600 or HK$400 depending on the ranking. This cash prize is to support winners in further exploring the world and gaining insight into intercultural learning. 

Terms and Conditions

If you fill in the form and hand in your videos, you will automatically give consent to and/or accept the following:

  1. This is an original work without invading the rights of others. No copyrighted materials should be used for this competition.
  2. Your video may be used for business and marketing purposes, such as videos to be posted on media platforms or used for exhibition.
  3. The organiser (AFS) has the right to disqualify work that is inappropriate, or violates the themes and requirements that are mentioned above.
  4. The decision of the organiser (AFS) is final. We retain our rights to explain or modify the competition rules, guidelines, cash prize and judging criteria.

Submit your work now!